Juushinki Pandora is an anime series by Shoji Kawamori, the creator of Macross and Aquarion. The story is set in a near-future world where a quantum reactor malfunction causes a global disaster known as the Xianglong Crisis. This event alters the environment and creates new life forms called B.R.A.I. (Biological Revolutionary of Accelerated Intelligence), which pose a threat to humanity. To combat the B.R.A.I., humans develop new weapons called Juushinki (Heavy Divine Machines), which are piloted by special individuals who can synchronize with them.
The anime follows the adventures of Leon Lau, a genius scientist who was involved in the quantum reactor project, and Chloe Lau, his adopted sister who is a Juushinki pilot. Together, they join forces with other Juushinki users and a mysterious organization called Pandora to fight against the B.R.A.I. and uncover the truth behind the Xianglong Crisis. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, enemies, allies, and secrets that will change their lives and the fate of the world.
The anime is directed by Hidekazu Sato, who is known for his work on Basquash! and Nobunaga the Fool. The anime features a mix of 2D and 3D animation, with some scenes using full CG. The anime also has an original soundtrack composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, who is famous for his music in Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill. The anime has two opening themes and two ending themes, each sung by different artists.
Juushinki Pandora is an anime that appeals to fans of sci-fi, action, mecha, and drama genres. It has a lot of thrilling battles, stunning visuals, and intriguing mysteries that keep the viewers engaged. It also has some emotional and humorous moments that show the relationships and personalities of the characters. However, it also has some flaws, such as confusing plot twists, inconsistent pacing, clichéd tropes, and lack of character development. It is not a very original or innovative anime, so fans of Shoji Kawamori’s previous works may not enjoy it as much. Overall, it is an anime that offers a decent entertainment value, but it may not be memorable or satisfying for everyone.