Negima!? Magister Negi Magi is a manga and anime series by Ken Akamatsu, the creator of Love Hina. The story revolves around Negi Springfield, a 10-year-old wizard from Wales who becomes a teacher at Mahora Academy, an all-girls school in Japan. There, he meets his 31 students, each with their own personality, quirks, and secrets. As Negi tries to balance his teaching duties, his magic training, and his search for his missing father, he also forms contracts with some of his students, granting them magical abilities and strengthening their bond.
The anime adaptation of Negima!? Magister Negi Magi is different from the manga in many aspects. While the manga follows a more serious and action-oriented plot, the anime focuses more on comedy and fanservice. The anime also introduces new characters and events that are not present in the manga, such as the Star Crystal, a mysterious artifact that can grant wishes, and the Mahora Festival, a huge school event that lasts for a week. The anime also has a different ending from the manga, which leaves some questions unanswered and some fans disappointed.
The anime is divided into two seasons: Negima!?, which covers the first 26 episodes, and Negima!! Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba, which covers the next 3 episodes. The first season is directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, who is known for his unique and experimental style of animation. The second season is directed by Shin Oonuma, who follows Shinbo’s style but adds his own flair. The anime features a large cast of voice actors, some of whom are famous idols or singers in Japan. The anime also has multiple opening and ending themes, each sung by different groups of voice actors.
Negima!? Magister Negi Magi is an anime that appeals to fans of comedy, romance, magic, and ecchi genres. It has a lot of humor, references, parodies, and fourth-wall breaking moments that make it fun and entertaining to watch. It also has some emotional and dramatic scenes that show the growth and development of the characters. However, it also has some flaws, such as inconsistent animation quality, rushed pacing, filler episodes, and lack of closure. It is not a faithful adaptation of the manga, so fans of the original source material may not enjoy it as much. Overall, it is an anime that offers a different perspective on the story of Negi and his students, but it may not be satisfying for everyone.