“Princess Resurrection”, also known as “Kaibutsu Ōjo” or “Monster Princess”, is a Japanese manga series that was adapted into an anime television series1. The series is set in a world where werewolves, demons, monsters, and vampires exist2. However, all these ferocious creatures are afraid of one thing: the beautiful Princess Hime2.
The story revolves around Hiro Hiyorimi, a boy who moves to “Sasanaki Village” to meet his sister1. Hiro encounters Hime by chance when she and her short yet strong gynoid bodyguard, Flandre arrive1. In an attempt to save Hime from a speeding car, Hiro sacrifices himself1. However, since Hime is part of the demonic royal family, Hiro’s “reward” is to come back as a not-quite-living soldier in her honor guard of horror34.
As the series progresses, Hiro finds himself helping Hime fight off an army of supernatural monstrosities34. These creatures are unleashed by Hime’s siblings in hopes of moving up the ladder of succession1.
“Princess Resurrection” stands out for its unique premise and engaging storyline. The series does an excellent job of blending dark comedy with horror fantasy elements1, resulting in a refreshing take on the genre. The characters are well-developed, each with their unique quirks that add depth to the story.
In conclusion, “Princess Resurrection” is a captivating anime that combines elements of dark comedy, horror fantasy, and action. It offers viewers an intriguing storyline filled with suspense and unexpected twists. Whether you’re a fan of horror-themed shows or looking for an anime with a unique premise, “Princess Resurrection” is worth checking out.