Puraore! Pride of Orange is an anime series that combines sports, comedy, and slice-of-life genres. It tells the story of Manaka Mizusawa, a cheerful and energetic girl who moves to Nikko, a city in Tochigi Prefecture, where she joins the local ice hockey team called Dream Monkeys. Along with her new friends, she learns the skills and rules of ice hockey, as well as the joys and challenges of being part of a team.
The anime is based on a multimedia project that aims to promote women’s ice hockey in Japan. The project involves a collaboration between Cygames, DMM Games, and WIT Studio, the animation studio behind popular titles such as Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga. The anime features original songs performed by the voice actors of the main characters, who also form a musical unit called Puraore!
The anime is a refreshing and fun watch for fans of sports anime, especially those who are interested in ice hockey. The animation is fluid and dynamic, capturing the fast-paced action and excitement of the sport. The character designs are cute and colorful, reflecting the personalities and quirks of the girls. The anime also showcases the culture and scenery of Nikko, a historical city that is famous for its shrines and natural beauty.
The anime is not only about ice hockey, but also about friendship, teamwork, and personal growth. The characters have their own goals and struggles, such as balancing school and sports, dealing with family issues, or overcoming fears and insecurities. The anime portrays how they support each other and overcome their difficulties through their passion for ice hockey. The anime also has a lot of humor and heartwarming moments that make the viewers smile and laugh.
Puraore! Pride of Orange is an anime that celebrates the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie. It is an enjoyable and inspiring series that will make you want to cheer for the Dream Monkeys and their ice hockey adventures.