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Dive into the surreal world of Sarazanmai anime. Uncover the secrets, connections, and adventures of three boys in this captivating supernatural tale.

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Duration24 mins
Release DateApril 12, 2019
End DateJune 21, 2019
FormatTV Series

The stage is Asakusa. One day, three 2nd-year middle school students — Kazuki Yasaka, Tooi Kuji, and Enta Jinnai — meet a mysterious kappa-like creature named Keppi, who forcibly takes their shirikodama (a mythical organ kappa steal through a person's anus) and transforms the boys into kappa.

Keppi informs them, "If you wish to return to your former selves, you must connect in 'that way' and bring me the shirikodama of zombies." Will the three boys be able to connect as they steal shirikodama from zombies?! Meanwhile, two policemen — Reo Niiboshi and Mabu Akutsu — are up to something at the police box where they are stationed.

(Source: Official Website)

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Editor's Review

A Surreal and Thought-Provoking Masterpiece – “Sarazanmai”

“Sarazanmai” is a breathtaking anime that defies convention, immersing its viewers in a world of surrealism, symbolism, and profound emotion. This series, created by Kunihiko Ikuhara, is a testament to his unique storytelling style, blending elements of mythology, social commentary, and personal growth into an unforgettable narrative.

Set in the vibrant city of Asakusa, Tokyo, “Sarazanmai” centers around three middle school boys – Kazuki, Toi, and Enta – who, after encountering a mysterious kappa-like creature named Keppi, become entangled in a fantastical battle against malevolent, desire-stealing creatures known as “Kappas.” Through a series of surreal events, the boys are transformed into kappas themselves and are tasked with extracting desires from impurity-ridden shirikodama.

One of the most striking aspects of “Sarazanmai” is its visual style. The animation is a visual feast, with a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and imaginative designs. The fluid transitions between reality and the kappa world create a dreamlike atmosphere that pulls the viewer deeper into the narrative. The attention to detail in both character design and setting is nothing short of exceptional, showcasing the care and creativity invested in every frame.

The characters in “Sarazanmai” are richly developed, each harboring their own secrets, desires, and traumas. The three protagonists, Kazuki, Toi, and Enta, undergo significant growth throughout the series as they grapple with their individual struggles and the complexities of their relationships with one another. The supporting cast is equally compelling, with each character contributing to the overarching themes of identity, acceptance, and the pursuit of happiness.

The narrative of “Sarazanmai” is multi-layered, weaving together elements of folklore, mythology, and modern society. The series artfully explores themes of desire, connection, and the masks we wear to protect ourselves from vulnerability. Through its intricate symbolism and allegorical storytelling, “Sarazanmai” invites viewers to reflect on the nature of human desires and the often-unseen forces that shape our lives.

The music and sound design of “Sarazanmai” further elevate the viewing experience. The hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, composed by Yukari Hashimoto, complements the emotional depth of the narrative, enhancing key moments with its evocative melodies. The opening and ending themes are memorable and perfectly encapsulate the mood of the series.

It’s worth noting that “Sarazanmai” may not be for everyone, as its unconventional narrative style and surreal imagery may be challenging for some viewers. However, for those willing to dive into its enigmatic world, the payoff is immeasurable. “Sarazanmai” is a masterpiece that rewards careful attention and multiple viewings, as its layers of meaning continue to reveal themselves over time.

In conclusion, “Sarazanmai” stands as a testament to the power of anime as a medium for storytelling. Its striking visuals, complex characters, and profound themes combine to create an experience that is as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally resonant. Kunihiko Ikuhara’s masterful direction and the exceptional craftsmanship of the production team make “Sarazanmai” a must-watch for fans of anime that challenge conventions and push the boundaries of storytelling. This series is a true work of art that will leave a lasting impression on those who venture into its mesmerizing world.