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Tears to Tiara
Tears to Tiara

Tears to Tiara

Tears to Tiara is a fantasy anime based on a visual novel. It follows Arawn, a demon lord who joins forces with the Gael tribe to fight the Empire.

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Tears to Tiara
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Duration24 mins
Release DateApril 6, 2009
End DateSeptember 28, 2009
FormatTV Series

In a world resembling the middle-age. A girl, Riannon, is set to be sacrificed to appease a resurrected demon lord, Arawn. As her brother Arthur attempts to rescue her, Arawn defies those who resurrected him and frees Riannon from her captors, which leads to Riannon admiring him.

This eventually leads to a party of companions being assembled for adventure, with Arawn acting as the leader.

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Editor's Review
Tears to Tiara

Tears to Tiara is a 26-episode anime series that aired in 2009. It is based on a visual novel of the same name by Aquaplus, and it features a fantasy setting inspired by British, Celtic, and Roman mythology. The anime follows the adventures of Arawn, a demon lord who is resurrected after 1,000 years by a priest of the Divine Empire who wants to use his power for world domination. However, Arawn turns against the Empire and joins forces with the Gael tribe, led by Riannon, a priestess who becomes his wife, and Arthur, her brother and the first warrior. Together, they face various enemies and challenges as they seek to liberate the land from the Empire’s tyranny.

The anime has a mix of action, adventure, comedy, drama, and romance. The action scenes are well-animated and exciting, featuring battles with swords, magic, and mythical creatures. The adventure aspect involves traveling to different locations and meeting new allies and foes. The comedy comes from the interactions and antics of the characters, especially the pixies who are loyal to Arawn. The drama stems from the conflicts and dilemmas that the characters face, such as loyalty, betrayal, love, hate, revenge, and sacrifice. The romance develops between Arawn and Riannon, as well as other couples among the main and supporting cast.

The anime has a large and diverse cast of characters, each with their own personality, background, role, and development. Arawn is the main protagonist, but he is not a typical demon lord. He is wise, kind, and charismatic, but also mysterious, powerful, and cunning. He cares for his friends and allies, but he also has a dark past and a hidden agenda. Riannon is the main heroine, but she is not a typical priestess. She is gentle, cheerful, and devoted, but also brave, strong-willed, and independent. She loves Arawn unconditionally, but she also respects his decisions and supports his cause. Arthur is the main supporting character, but he is not a typical warrior. He is loyal, courageous, and honorable, but also hot-headed, stubborn, and prideful. He protects his sister and his tribe, but he also challenges Arawn and his authority.

The anime also features other characters who have their own stories and roles in the plot. Some of them are friends or enemies of Arawn’s group; some of them are members or leaders of other factions; some of them are humans or non-humans; some of them are based on historical or mythical figures. They all add depth and variety to the anime.

Tears to Tiara is an anime that will appeal to fans of fantasy genres. It has an engaging plot that blends history and mythology; it has an attractive art style that depicts colorful landscapes and characters; it has an enjoyable soundtrack that matches the mood and tone of the scenes; it has an interesting theme that explores the meaning of freedom and destiny. It is an anime that I recommend to anyone who likes action-packed and character-driven stories.