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Those Snow White Notes
Those Snow White Notes

Those Snow White Notes

Those Snow White Notes
Duration24 mins
Release DateApril 3, 2021
End DateJune 19, 2021
FormatTV Series

Sawamura Matsugorou is a shamisen player of legendary talent. Upon his death, his grandson, Sawamura Setsu, lost his ability to play. Having lost his beloved sound, Setsu finds himself in Tokyo in search of a new sound to love. Tachiki Yuna, who works at a club, hooks him up with a gig to play there as a warm up act. Setsu imbues the sound of his shamisen with his many thoughts and feelings he has of others, still searching for his own sound and his own feelings.

(Source: Crunchyroll)

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Editor's Review
Those Snow White Notes

“Those Snow White Notes” – A Harmonious Symphony of Emotion and Growth

“Those Snow White Notes” is a captivating anime that harmoniously combines music, personal growth, and the intricate tapestry of human emotions into a beautifully composed narrative. Set against the backdrop of a small town in rural Japan, this series follows the journey of Setsu Sawamura, a talented shamisen player who embarks on a quest to rediscover his own unique sound.

The anime’s greatest strength lies in its ability to infuse the power of music into every aspect of the story. The shamisen, a traditional Japanese instrument, takes center stage and becomes a character in its own right. Through meticulously crafted animation sequences, viewers are treated to the mesmerizing performance of this ancient instrument, which serves as a conduit for the characters’ emotions and a means of storytelling.

Setsu Sawamura, the protagonist, is a multifaceted character whose internal conflict forms the core of the narrative. His journey to find his “own sound” and break free from the shadow of his legendary grandfather, a shamisen virtuoso, is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. The anime beautifully captures Setsu’s struggles, growth, and moments of triumph, making him a character viewers can deeply connect with.

The supporting cast is equally well-developed, each contributing a unique perspective and a layer of depth to the story. Setsu’s interactions with fellow musicians, friends, and family members serve to highlight the importance of human connections and the impact they have on one’s artistic expression.

Visually, “Those Snow White Notes” is a feast for the eyes. The animation is fluid and dynamic, particularly during musical performances, where the shamisen is brought to life with meticulous attention to detail. The use of color and lighting adds depth and atmosphere to the scenes, effectively conveying the emotions of the characters.

Beyond its musical prowess, the anime excels in exploring themes of self-discovery, passion, and the pursuit of excellence. It underscores the idea that true artistry is not solely about technical proficiency, but also about baring one’s soul and finding an authentic voice.

The soundtrack of “Those Snow White Notes” is a masterstroke, seamlessly integrating traditional shamisen melodies with contemporary compositions. The music not only enhances the emotional resonance of the series but also showcases the versatility and enduring beauty of this ancient instrument.

In conclusion, “Those Snow White Notes” is a symphony of emotions, beautifully orchestrated to resonate with the hearts of its viewers. Its rich character development, stunning animation, and soul-stirring music make it a standout entry in the world of anime. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or simply someone seeking a deeply moving and thought-provoking story, this anime promises to strike a chord in your heart. Don’t miss the chance to experience the enchanting journey of Setsu Sawamura as he discovers the true essence of his artistry.