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Violet Evergarden
Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden: Follow the journey of Violet, a former soldier turned Auto Memory Doll, as she reconnects people through letters and seeks to understand the meaning of love.

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Violet Evergarden
Original Titleヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン
Opening theme"Sincerely" by TRUE
Ending theme"Michishirube (みちしるべ)" by Minori Chihara
Duration24 mins
Release DateJanuary 11, 2018
End DateApril 5, 2018
FormatTV Series

A certain point in time, in the continent of Telesis. The great war which divided the continent into North and South has ended after four years, and the people are welcoming a new generation. Violet Evergarden, a young girl formerly known as “the weapon”, has left the battlefield to start a new life at CH Postal Service. There, she is deeply moved by the work of “Auto Memories Dolls”, who carry people's thoughts and convert them into words. Violet begins her journey as an Auto Memories Doll, and comes face to face with various people's emotions and differing shapes of love. There are words Violet heard on the battlefield, which she cannot forget. These words were given to her by someone she holds dear, more than anyone else. She does not yet know their meaning but she searches to find it.

(Source: Anime News Network)

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Editor's Review
Violet Evergarden

A Poignant Masterpiece of Emotion – “Violet Evergarden”

“Violet Evergarden” is a transcendent anime series that stands as a true testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to evoke profound emotions. Set in a post-war world, this beautifully crafted narrative follows the journey of Violet Evergarden, a former soldier who embarks on a path of self-discovery and redemption through her work as an Auto Memory Doll, a profession that specializes in transcribing emotions into written words.

The series opens with Violet’s return to society, having lost both her arms in the war and struggling to find her place in a world that has been forever changed. Her journey of rehabilitation and self-realization is nothing short of breathtaking. The animation in “Violet Evergarden” is a visual feast, showcasing stunningly detailed landscapes, meticulously designed characters, and exquisite attention to facial expressions that convey the depths of human emotion.

The character of Violet herself is a tour de force. Her initial stoicism and innocence serve as a poignant contrast to the raw, unfiltered emotions that come pouring out from the people she interacts with. Yui Ishikawa’s exceptional voice acting brings Violet to life, capturing the subtle nuances of her character’s growth and transformation with incredible precision.

One of the series’ greatest strengths lies in its episodic format. Each episode focuses on Violet’s interactions with different clients, and in doing so, explores a wide range of human experiences, from unrequited love and familial bonds to the weight of regret and the healing power of closure. This approach not only allows for a rich tapestry of stories but also provides viewers with a deeply personal and relatable viewing experience.

The music in “Violet Evergarden” is nothing short of a symphonic masterpiece. The hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, composed by Evan Call, serves as a powerful emotional anchor throughout the series, enhancing every scene and driving home the emotional impact of each story.

Moreover, the world-building in “Violet Evergarden” is meticulously crafted. The blend of steampunk aesthetics with a post-war setting creates a unique and immersive environment that feels both nostalgic and fantastical.

While the series is undeniably a tearjerker, it never resorts to cheap emotional manipulation. Instead, it earns every tear shed through its genuine, heartfelt storytelling and the authenticity of its characters.

In conclusion, “Violet Evergarden” is an anime that transcends the medium, offering a profound exploration of human emotion, the art of communication, and the power of healing. Its stunning visuals, masterful character development, and emotionally resonant storytelling make it a true gem in the world of animation. This series is not only a must-watch for anime enthusiasts but for anyone who appreciates storytelling at its most beautiful and poignant. “Violet Evergarden” is an experience that will leave an indelible mark on your heart.