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Wasteful Days of High School Girl
Wasteful Days of High School Girl

Wasteful Days of High School Girl

Wasteful Days of High School Girls: A comedic slice-of-life anime featuring three friends, ‘Idiot’ Tanaka, ‘Ota’ Kikuchi, and ‘Robot’ Saginomiya, navigating high school.

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Wasteful Days of High School Girl
Duration24 mins
Release DateJuly 5, 2019
End DateSeptember 20, 2019
FormatTV Series

Tanaka Nozomu isn’t exactly brilliant. But, given that her only goal for high school was to get a boyfriend, who else would fail to realize that attending an all-girls school was a bad idea? Well, there’s always the fallback plan of getting other girls to introduce her to boys they know.

Too bad that Tanaka’s “bright” idea of giving her classmates nicknames based on less attractive character traits has caused her un-flattered friends “Robo” (for her apparent lack of emotions) and “Wota” (a reference to a creepy otaku types), as well as not-friends like “Loli” (who’s hypersensitive about her petite size,) to “reward” Tanaka with the special nickname of “Baka” (“idiot”), which is quickly adopted by the entire student body. Well, maybe the second week of school will be better.

(Source: Sentai Filmworks)

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Editor's Review
Wasteful Days of High School Girl

“Wasteful Days of High School Girls” is a delightful anime series that offers a comedic and heartwarming look at the everyday lives of high school girls. The series revolves around three friends: Nozomu Tanaka, Akane Kikuchi, and Shiori Saginomiya, each with their own unique quirks and personalities.

Tanaka, nicknamed “Idiot” for her low test scores, is the central character of the series. Her antics and infectious energy drive much of the series’ humor. Despite her academic struggles, Tanaka’s optimism and enthusiasm are endearing, making her a lovable protagonist.

Kikuchi, nicknamed “Ota” for her obsession with boys-love stories, is an aspiring manga artist. Her passion for yaoi media adds a unique flavor to the series. Kikuchi’s struggles to balance her artistic aspirations with the realities of high school life are both relatable and engaging.

Saginomiya, nicknamed “Robot” for being a genius but emotionless, provides a stark contrast to her two friends. Her logical approach to life often leads to humorous misunderstandings. Despite her emotionless demeanor, Saginomiya’s loyalty to her friends and her subtle development throughout the series make her a compelling character.

The series excels in its portrayal of the girls’ high school life. The interactions between the characters are both hilarious and heartwarming, capturing the ups and downs of adolescence. The series also features a colorful cast of supporting characters, each adding their own charm to the story.

The animation quality is excellent, with vibrant colors and detailed character designs that bring the story to life. The comedic timing is spot-on, making each episode a joy to watch.

In conclusion, “Wasteful Days of High School Girls” is a charming slice-of-life anime that offers a refreshing take on high school life. Its lovable characters, engaging storylines, and excellent humor make it a must-watch for any anime fan.